Gary's Blog

This blog contains reflections from my journal. I am always interested in where others are in their lives in these matters of the soul, so if you are moved to share, please do so. Simply go to the Contact page, or leave a comment at the end of any of my entries. Meanwhile, blessings on your journey.

Below are links to the ten most recent entries. To view more, use the pagination menu at the bottom of each listing page.

Learning Through Painful Experiences

I was using some of the same organizing techniques for the group that I had used most of my life to get away from and protect myself against the pains of chaos in my own life.


Delivered from Insanity?

So how could I go from feeling my connection to the Pathwork Guide and so much passion about Life as shared in my previous post to feeling I was going crazy?


Following Desires

I took this discernment into meditation. “What are my deepest desires?” The answers that came startled me, and they came quickly.


A Taste of Love

I listen. At first I do not realize what is happening. The conversation, some light, some profoundly deep, feels increasingly sacred as I slowly realize what is happening.


Limited Thinking

I say I long for love, for connecting, but at the same time my ego wants to stay in tight control, not wanting to surrender to what true spontaneous opening of my heart to another might be like.


Jesus Christ, Revisiting the Mystery

Why the dis-ease with the topic of Jesus Christ? Mostly I suppose because all of my years of church life did not encourage, or sometimes even allow, independent thinking on the subject and person of Jesus Christ.


Bonded by Friendship, Not Role

Our monthly Sevenaks Helper Community conference call last night was a lesson in friendship, no, more than that, an experience of friendship.


My Call, A Channel for Love

I seem fine with helping out in administrative activities…And yet when I get involved in this hands-on work of Pathwork, I love much of the engagement with students.


Finding My Place at the Table

I realize that I am active in our Mid-Atlantic Pathwork community at Sevenoaks. But am I really in leadership there? Part of me, a young part, denies that I am…


Facing Selfishness

I see this young streak in me that wants what he wants when he wants it and disregards the world of the other.

