Gary's Blog

This blog contains reflections from my journal. I am always interested in where others are in their lives in these matters of the soul, so if you are moved to share, please do so. Simply go to the Contact page, or leave a comment at the end of any of my entries. Meanwhile, blessings on your journey.

Below are links to the ten most recent entries. To view more, use the pagination menu at the bottom of each listing page.

Einstein as Mentor

I am not drawn to this debate, nor do I sense that I have the mental apparatus to engage in such debates. What I am increasingly drawn to, however, is the man Einstein, his philosophy of life and of the Cosmos.


Life At Sea

More than ever, we are jumping into the abyss that we have feared our entire life. And it really does take time to get to this point because of the magnitude of the change required, or rather, the change that seems to happen in us organically as we do our spiritual work over time, over our entire life. It is an experientially felt sense that changes one’s fundamental stance toward life.


Leaving the Shore of the Familiar

This all has a feel of moving off the shore into the sea of Life – a real letting go, saying goodbye to the old “US,” the parts of us that were and still are distorted.


Hitting the Wall, A Wild Ride

…both of us had been in a crazy overload this past week, especially the last three days. AND we were not aware of the degree of overwhelm until we sat there looking at each other in the classroom, staring into each other’s eyes.


Life as Teacher, We as Avid Students

I found that I was experiencing joy simply in coming to awareness of what goes on in me. This joy is in contrast to being caught up by and in the dis-ease and malaise.


Opening the Doors to True Pleasure Supreme

So with such a grand “Oh so Wonderful Day,” why did I actually miss the experience of pleasure during most of this day?


Morning Coffee Time — Our Spiritual Practice!

It was good to bring this to consciousness. This coffee time IS our spiritual practice.


Planning and Doing as a Defense Against Being

Here was an opportunity to look at what was going on in me that would cause an inconsequential incident to give rise to so much anger.


Back to Pathwork 101

I long for more happiness in my life, and yet my “good” is not giving me sustaining happiness and my “bad” seems to cloud over whatever good might be there.


Wrestling with Fear

But I am up well before dawn, so something disturbs me.

