Gary's Blog

This blog contains reflections from my journal. I am always interested in where others are in their lives in these matters of the soul, so if you are moved to share, please do so. Simply go to the Contact page, or leave a comment at the end of any of my entries. Meanwhile, blessings on your journey.

Below are links to the ten most recent entries. To view more, use the pagination menu at the bottom of each listing page.

More Mud Emptying and Purification — Stop All the Effortful Effort!

Why have I pursued spiritual paths in general and Pathwork in Particular? Why am I so drawn to some spiritual paths? Why do I get so very committed to them?


Guidance, Leadership, Logic, Purification, Courage and Discernment

After an encounter with one of our leaders yesterday I noticed I was bummed out – anxious, uneasy, and pulled off my center.


Pushing Life's Reset Button — Again — And Again, Please

I saw that I put another burden on myself: I must be competent in my own spiritual life. After all, I left the church and have gone on my own spiritual path. I had better be “right” about this decision to leave my tribe and find my own spiritual path.


Pause and Consider… Non-Problem Problems

Struggling against nonexistent problems – now there is a helpful consideration!


Emptying Before Filling

I shared with Pat some of my misconceptions regarding our relationship – beliefs and images I held that precluded our having a more fulfilling relationship.


On the Job Training for Life

Our coffee time in the morning is like On The Job Training! I find my voice here with our “us.”


Flowing Through the Highs and Lows of Life

I could feel my energy building through this 30-minute meditation time. … Pat joined me. Her mood was quite somber.


A Sabbath; Also, What IS Pathwork?

Today, March 29, 2012, begins a Sabbath for me, a time of rest and celebration. Yesterday I finished my six-year project of recording my readings of the body of 258 Pathwork Lectures – 204 hours of recorded Pathwork teachings.


What is the BEST Form of Meditation?

Certainly, while it may have given me a habit or compulsion for meditating each day, it was not something I was really into or seemed to “get.”


Surrendered, If But a Moment

Since my “highs” on Thursday, I have been in a downward spiral into confusion, lostness, depression, and anxiety.

