Gary's Blog

This blog contains reflections from my journal. I am always interested in where others are in their lives in these matters of the soul, so if you are moved to share, please do so. Simply go to the Contact page, or leave a comment at the end of any of my entries. Meanwhile, blessings on your journey.

Below are links to the ten most recent entries. To view more, use the pagination menu at the bottom of each listing page.

Faithfulness and Delight; And Embracing Helplessness

But what does faithfulness mean to me today? What I saw was my faithfulness to Life, to my sense of my Call in life, my undaunted pursuit of Truth in matters spiritual, in pursuit of the meaning of my life and the lives of all others on the planet, and the meaning of life of the Cosmos and in all the levels of consciousness that we seem to be evolving toward.


Perhaps It IS Love

“So how did it feel to have someone share how you affected them and made them feel more deeply connected?” I paused to consider what this really had been like.


A Pathwork Leaders Retreat Growth Experience

Over the weekend twelve of the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork (MAP) Leadership group experienced a beautiful “Doing Pathwork Together” weekend. As one of the three facilitators, I perhaps got the most out of this experience. … In this blog entry I shall share my own experiences in the workshop itself.


Target Markets for Pathwork

For whom is Pathwork most suited and most likely to be helpful? What symptoms would people have that would attract them to seek out a program such as Pathwork for possible help and support?


Daring to be My Real Self, But Being Flexible As To How I Show Up

As I began my meditation this morning it suddenly dawned on me that I had so quickly forgotten that the “sun is behind the clouds” of my daily disharmonies of these past few days.


Wrestling Continued

Somehow this severe criticism of something I have so much energy for feels familiar, but I’m not sure from whence it comes.


The Wrestler

During meditation I went inwardly to the familiar questions of “Who am I?” “What am I about?” “Why am I here?” “Is there a purpose to all of this?” Interesting to watch my mind work! So what is going on? Let’s see what arises…


Feeling the Joy of Surrender, or Not Yet!

The meeting turned out to be amazing to me. Not so much in the results but in the process.


For the Good of the Whole — Surprised by Joy

… my frustrations needed to be faced and held but need not stop me in my work with the various committees in which I am involved.


Breaking Attachment to Anxiety, Fear, and Struggle

Although the day felt solid, even inspiring at times, why was I pulled off center, pulled away from what holds meaning for me?

