Gary's Blog

This blog contains reflections from my journal. I am always interested in where others are in their lives in these matters of the soul, so if you are moved to share, please do so. Simply go to the Contact page, or leave a comment at the end of any of my entries. Meanwhile, blessings on your journey.

Below are links to the ten most recent entries. To view more, use the pagination menu at the bottom of each listing page.

Pausing Before the Mystery of Deep Friendship

He confesses, “Your writing is so complex, so intellectual, and the Pathwork Lectures even more so.” So I am not succeeding in making Pathwork very accessible…


Entering the Mystery: Opening to a "New" Jesus Christ

I paused at these words. They grew within me and as they did they gave me valuable insights for my life. The “wonderful key” did indeed begin to “open up those areas of consciousness where I have blocked and inverted powerful creative energies


Unknowingly Answering my Call to Pathwork

When I look at how I came to Pathwork it doesn’t seem to have logic to it at all. Or does it?


The Next Generation of Pathwork

I carry this inspiration into our Mid-Atlantic Board meeting this morning. While there are towering challenges on every side, a vision of Pathwork: The New Generation arises within.


May We Entertain the Mystery!

After an hour or so into our coffee time together during which time we discussed, among other topics, the various spiritual traditions and how to some we relate and to others we do not relate, we focused more on our own respective journeys and how our lives work together in our relationship.



Perhaps the greatest of these was the experience of love – love in me and love toward me. It was great to experience. A time to pause and experience these shifts in me.


Intending to do Harm to Others and Groups by Holding Back My Essence

Not being one who works well with conflict, I backed away, frustrated and angry. I did not know how to engage. I did not even want to engage, feeling dismissed and disrespected. My energy was that of packing up my budget and going home.


Purpose of Spiritual Development: Finding Harmony with Universal Laws

…the importance of being in harmony with Universal Laws – and for this harmony to come about how I have to come out of ignorance through my commitment to my own personal and spiritual development.


The Cost of Not Showing Up

I felt sadness, pain, shame and guilt for my not having shown up more over these past few years in the leadership roles I have been in at Sevenoaks.


Sickness All Around, Life Goes On, Prayer

Already I am aware that sickness has a way of helping us set priorities and focus on what is important. Or, said another way, makes it very challenging to focus on what suddenly seems unimportant.

