Gary's Blog

This blog contains reflections from my journal. I am always interested in where others are in their lives in these matters of the soul, so if you are moved to share, please do so. Simply go to the Contact page, or leave a comment at the end of any of my entries. Meanwhile, blessings on your journey.

Below are links to the ten most recent entries. To view more, use the pagination menu at the bottom of each listing page.

The Call of Life — and Death

This discouragement was my greatest disharmony. With this I turned in my meditation to Pathwork Lecture 145


Riding the Life Force — Feeling Enthusiasm

In meditation I asked myself what I was feeling right now, in this moment. Things were jumbled. I would say I felt nothing at all that I could identify.


Lessons in Leadership

It was awkward to share with the group of helpers her sense that I held a place of leadership and vision…


"Not OK" Under the Microscope of My Daily Review

“I should not have disharmonies!” I see that I want to live in denial. Or I struggle against my disharmonies and against being “merely and utterly human.”


Re-Birthing in a Time of Aging

“I really appreciate you, not what you DO, but YOU.” These words, spoken yesterday by a dear friend, reverberated in my heart and brought light, life, joy and warmth, feelings that I could take in without pride and arrogance.


Prayer as a State of Being

Last Friday morning (8/3) I found myself in a state of prayer. It was a new state, a felt state, a surrendered state. I did not choose this state of prayer, but it arrived, as if by Grace


Facing My Own Attachment Disorders

As I dropped into this question I could see that in fact now, today, I would not allow myself to really connect with Sage or Anthony – or Pat – from a vulnerable heart place within my being. This awareness was at once shocking and yet so thrilling to realize.


Building a Relational Feelings Palette from Scratch

This morning in my meditation I went back to the beginning of my emotional development, since emotional connection is what Pat and I say we are looking for. Why am I so disconnected emotionally?


Gentle but Firm Call Back to Self-Responsibility

But I could also feel my fear of showing up. Do I not trust the cosmos, my higher self, or my passion for the Pathwork lectures? Or perhaps I fear resistance from the Pathwork helper community.


Freedom and Rebirth Through Inner Knowing

I am helped by the Pathwork Lectures’ constant emphasis on finding and trusting inner wisdom, the Heart Wisdom, the Divine Essence at the core of each of us.

