Gary's Blog
This blog contains reflections from my journal. I am always interested in where others are in their lives in these matters of the soul, so if you are moved to share, please do so. Simply go to the Contact page, or leave a comment at the end of any of my entries. Meanwhile, blessings on your journey.
Below are links to the ten most recent entries. To view more, use the pagination menu at the bottom of each listing page.
Flowing With the Waves of Life — Bitterness AND the Abundant Life
I am experiencing the abundant life on one level while, on another level and at the same time, I am still in my bitterness and resentment.
Support Groups — ALL are Teachers, ALL are Students
…groups are an interesting phenomenon, and they have always been an important part of my life for whatever reason.
Living Fully While in a Background of Malaise and Sadness
Looking at my life and all the richness that has filled it I am quite amazed that this morning, when I let things settle down, I become aware that so much of my life has been painted against a backdrop of malaise, or sadness.
My Pervasive Backdrop of Bitterness
Let me further explore my own origins of bitterness, places where I gave up on life and on what I longed for in life and used my “giving up” to prove my case of victimhood and my belief that I would never get what I most longed for in life.
My Spiritual Battle; Facing My Bitterness and Resentment; My Relationship with Jesus Christ
My Helper Session with Moira Shaw – Thursday 11/29/12 — Shared in honor of the wisdom that came through this session – like honoring a dream by writing it out; AND shared in love – Gary
Becoming Fully Incarnated
…what am I longing for? This morning what arises is that I am longing to be fully incarnated in my body – to sense all my sensations and to feel all my feelings and emotions.
Going Through Rather Than Around Depression
What first arose as a cause was that my depression had as its source my sense of not serving a cause greater than myself.
Discovering What I Long For
A Profound “Take-Away” for me from the first session of Erena’s Graduate Program
Free to be Small
My Presenting “Beautiful Problem” – Awareness of my fear of being ME, in leadership, in relationship with Pat and others in my life, in life itself
Finding and Accepting "MY Way" in a Meditation Practice
I was particularly helped in looking at my evolving meditation process.