Gary's Blog
This blog contains reflections from my journal. I am always interested in where others are in their lives in these matters of the soul, so if you are moved to share, please do so. Simply go to the Contact page, or leave a comment at the end of any of my entries. Meanwhile, blessings on your journey.
Below are links to the ten most recent entries. To view more, use the pagination menu at the bottom of each listing page.
Going Through My Hate To Get a Taste Of My Love!
A Helper Session: My Presenting Problem: Getting in touch with my self-hate – especially self-hate of the physicality of my sexuality, my sexual instincts.
Expanding Profoundness of Mystery — The Fermi Paradox
Reflections on NYT 4/20/13 Worlds Away From Here by Ross Douthat
The Nature of Personal and Spiritual Growth, A Brief Summary and Introduction
How is one to sort through all of these personal and spiritual development resources when he or she feels an inner call to, in some way, “move beyond” where one is? And what does “move beyond” where one is look like and really mean?
A Midcourse Correction, Turning Toward Home at 50
… while my life appeared to be similar to his for the first fifty years, I was not at all settled and stable when I entered my tumultuous sixth decade. I recognized that for many reasons I had not “followed my bliss” coming out of childhood.
Cross-Work — Our Purification and Transformation Work
Perhaps in its simplest form a true spiritual path can be expressed as Cross-Work – taught and modeled for us by Jesus and many others and a foundational distinction of Pathwork.
Pathwork as a Distinct Spiritual Path
It is often challenging to describe Pathwork as a distinct spiritual path. How does it differ from other spiritual paths? … Just why are we here? What is our “job” on this earth? What motivates us to take on this job? What is our destiny?
Exploring Our Respective Attachment Disorders
To realize that I do not Know in my body the security of a healthy bonding attachment with another is both sad and scary.
Synchronicity — The Way Life Is
Perhaps synchronicity is how we experience all of life as we awaken to life. Perhaps in the end all there is is synchronicity. Or rather there is never synchronicity but rather all of life is the natural spontaneous blossoming from Source, of which we are a part in our Essence.
A Spectrum of Energy — From Intensity To Relaxation
My friend’s response? “Gary, I hope you see your Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in this!”
Discovering, Accepting, and Manifesting the Mystic I Am
Why would I have panicked in realizing that my feelings are a central aspect of myself that I am invited to know and with which I am to become familiar as part of “Knowing Myself”?