Gary's Blog

This blog contains reflections from my journal. I am always interested in where others are in their lives in these matters of the soul, so if you are moved to share, please do so. Simply go to the Contact page, or leave a comment at the end of any of my entries. Meanwhile, blessings on your journey.

Below are links to the ten most recent entries. To view more, use the pagination menu at the bottom of each listing page.

Pathwork and Healing My Attachment Avoidance Disorder

I am reminded of the Pathwork teachings on bypassing. – trying to experience “pleasure supreme” by going around rather than through my attachment avoidance defenses, negativities, and, above all, rather than truly healing my negative intentionality through a process of purification and transformation.


Welcome To This World My Child…

… I had no such connection that I could remember in my entire life. Could this be true? It seemed like bonding 101, yet I could not say that this had been a felt experience for me.


I Don't Like People. Is That OK? Is That Really True?

“So, Gary, is that OK with you that you do not like people?” My immediate answer of course was, “Absolutely not! It is not OK to not like people.” “Not liking people” violated core “shoulds” in my Idealized Self Image.


Wrestling Against and Longing For Union

Through my first five decades of life I was very immature in the matters of love and Union, and in the end this immaturity and what it led to – in both my marriage and my divorce – was so devastating to my wife and to my own soul.


My Emmaus Walk; A Return to the Village

…who in my life has inspired me toward self realization – toward being fully who I am. Good question, and at first I drew a blank.


Dare I Come Out of the Foxhole?

How can I have very deep conversations with so many people on the one hand and say I avoid healthy mature attachments to people on the other? Why do I insist that I don’t belong?


Freedom to Hold and Be Held In Our Bodies

Freedom to be ME with all of my anxiety, my defenses of pride and self-will, my enthusiasm for life, and more.


Being Held — All We Can (And All We Need To) Do for One Another

I noticed that when I sensed that I am thus held I could, for that brief moment, surrender to “what is.” And in those brief moments I felt safe, relaxed, and in a state of equanimity.


Yesterday: A Sobering Day To Savor And Learn From

it was another sobering day, a day taking me closer to seeing and accepting who I really am – merely and utterly human. Here was the litany of what floated up…


Opening To the Mystery

… the Sunday edition of the New York Times … Frequently we are stimulated and stretched by articles contained therein

