Gary's Blog

This blog contains reflections from my journal. I am always interested in where others are in their lives in these matters of the soul, so if you are moved to share, please do so. Simply go to the Contact page, or leave a comment at the end of any of my entries. Meanwhile, blessings on your journey.

Below are links to the ten most recent entries. To view more, use the pagination menu at the bottom of each listing page.

Perspective — Our Place and Role in the Cosmos

For me these writings bring up feelings of profound loneliness, isolation, fear, sadness, awe, wonder, Mystery, joy, and curiosity, to name a few. I let these waves roll over me. Waves of Life.


Growing Through Facing Lower-Self Energies in the Field of US

Gary: My “nice guy” mask was off and you were witnessing lower-self energies of rage and hatred in the field between us. Pat: It was chilling! You were laughing and had a smile on your face, sinister in a way. It was gripping.


Opening the Floodgates of Memorable Moments

Memorable moments have become a way of life, or, rather, increasingly are my life! Let me give some examples of these experiences…


Herding, Freeing, and Leading Cats, the Inner and Outer Cats

This ubiquitous disharmony in me was great to see – as well as to see how I live in denial about my feelings of disharmony with many folks in our helper community and elsewhere.


A Jesus Christ Series – Part 4

I am feeling guided and met in my Jesus Christ exploration. The journey over the past few weeks has been truly amazing. My heart is on fire and expanded. A true breakthrough in my relationship with Jesus Christ is emerging.


Leadership or Followership?

“Where are you in your leadership in Mid-Atlantic Pathwork (MAP).” Seemed like an innocuous question but the question took me immediately to a place where I recognized that I did not see myself as a leader in MAP!


A Jesus Christ Series – Part 3

… My prayer is that I can stop battling against my battling against my relationship with Jesus Christ. Helper Brian: Beautiful. I welcome you Gary and all that you carry in this beautiful question, this beautiful inquiry. And I pray to create a safe place with you in which you can go anywhere, say anything, feel anything in regards to this beautiful question and wherever it takes us.


A Third Lesson In Joy Along the Path

How can I deal better with my fear in manifesting what I feel Called to do?


A Jesus Christ Series Part 2

my resistance to connecting with Jesus Christ in a real way, my resistance to having an intimate, authentic, and genuine relationship with Jesus Christ as my “greatest friend and strongest helper”


A Jesus Christ Series – Part 1

…my inquiry and seeking would lead me to similar realities regarding Jesus Christ. I hold this out as a possibility for me. I would say it is my positive intention to experience such a relationship, but I am equally aware of my negative intention pushing away the Light of Christ. And here I stand.

